Saturday, April 9, 2011


That's it for the first chapter! It's been a lot of fun, but now I have papers to write. ¬_¬" Enjoy!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Another extra-long post. Lately I seem to be doing a big update every other week rather than a normal one every week, so maybe this is just normal now. I think I'll try to do the last 7 pages of the chapter next week, so I have time to freak out about all of my other projects for the rest of the semester. Enjoy!

Friday, March 18, 2011

よつば 13-25

It's been awhile since I posted, so I did a mega-huge update for Spring Break.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Since I can't fix the image size without completely overhauling the blog template, I've decided to start photoshopping the dialogue straight onto the pages, with the original Japanese scan stuck on for comparison. Hopefully it's a little more readable!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Page 1: (no dialogue)

Page 2:
Title: Yotsuba and the move

Page 3:
Panel 1: “We're getting close!”
Panel 2: “Ooooh!”
Panel 3:
(Yotsuba) “Oh!!”
Panel 4:
(Yotsuba) “WOW!”
“Daddy, it's full of houses here!”
(Dad) “That's right. There are stores here, too.”
(Yotsuba) “STORES TOO?!”
Panel 5: (no dialogue)

Page 4:
Panels 1&2: (no dialogue)
Panel 3: “WOW! It's full of people!”
Panel 4:
(Dad) “It's a school- just a school.”
“It looks like summer break starts tomorrrow.”

Page 5:
Panel 1: (no dialogue)
Panel 2: “It's dangerous to lean out the window...”
Panel 3:
(Yotsuba) “An older girl waved at us! Daddy, you wave too!”
(Dad) “Daddy can't let go of the steering wheel, could you wave for

Thursday, February 10, 2011


今学期、個人プロジェクトをしています。私の自己目は翻訳のことを上手になりたいから、まんがを一冊を翻訳いて決めました。選んだまんがは「よつばと!」です。でも、まんがの一冊を真剣に見たと、200以上ページがある気づいたから、一週間に16以上ページを翻訳しなくてはいかなくて、ちょっと多すぎだと思いました。だから、今 ヴォリューム1の1と2チャプターだけ翻訳するつもりです。そんなふうに、一週間に、4−5ぺージを翻訳して足りると思います。スキャナー があるから、ブログにぺージをポストできます。私がほにゃくした英語のことばをぺージの隣でかくか、ページなかで フォートショップをするか、まだ決めませんでした。